Professional team
Always ready to help you
Always ready to help you
Big territory for parking of your car
Main types of services for the maintenance of vehicles
The motel has a Wi-Fi network.
ANKOM-TRANS - is the first company, which in the CIS in 1994 using the new technology began to restore tires in a "cold" way for trucks and still in our company, this activity is maintained and improved. Our staff trained in Italy, the Czech Republic, Poland, participated in the training seminars conducted by leading European companies in the field of regeneration and repair of tires.
81100, Lviv region,
Pustomytyvsky district, Kamyanopil village
phones : +380 (032) 225-42-51,
+380 (032) 225-42-67 , +380 (032) 225-42-97
email: ankomlviv@gmail.com
© 2022 All rights reserved Ankom - Trans
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